Smartwatches: Bagi penggemar kebugaran dan pakar teknologi hanya Presiden Nike Trevor Edwards yang berbicara di atas panggung saat acara peluncuran Apple. (AFP) Mereka mendapat penghargaan sebagai barang besar berikutnya setelah smartphone tapi raksasa teknologi telah berjuang untuk memasang smartwatch di setiap pergelangan tangan dan penawaran terbaru Apple, yang ditujukan terutama untuk penggemar kebugaran, tidak mungkin mengubahnya, kata para analis. Tiga tahun setelah smartwatch diluncurkan untuk meriah, penjualan telah mengecewakan karena konsumen telah gagal untuk mendapatkan kegembiraan tentang kemungkinan untuk memeriksa panggilan, teks dan email saat bepergian tanpa pernah mengeluarkan ponsel mereka. Bergumam tentang desain besar dan masa pakai baterai yang pendek juga bisa membantu. Pengiriman smartwatch global melonjak delapan kali lipat - dari lima juta unit pada tahun 2014 menjadi 40,3 juta pada tahun 2015, menurut perkiraan konsultan Gartner. Namun laju pertumbuhannya telah melambat, dengan 60,4 juta jam tangan akan dikirim tahun ini dan 66,3 juta pada 2017. Namun, pelaku industri berpendapat masih banyak yang bisa dimainkan, dan pemimpin pasar Apple memimpin pada hari Rabu ketika meluncurkannya. Generasi kedua Apple Watch. Dirancang agar tahan air sehingga Anda bisa berenang dan dengan GPS built-in untuk pelari dan pesepeda, perangkat ini kemungkinan besar menarik bagi pecinta olahraga yang ingin melacak latihan mereka tanpa membawa ponsel mereka. 39Design untuk pelari39 Apple juga mengumumkan edisi jam tangan yang dikembangkan bersama Nike, yang chief operating officer Jeff Williams memanggil jam kuota yang dirancang dengan pelari dalam mindquot. Dengan penekanan kuat pada penggunaan Apple Watch Series 2 untuk mendukung gaya hidup sehat, Apple telah memilih untuk fokus pada sektor kebugaran yang sedang booming daripada menargetkan konsumen utama, kata CCS Insight, George Jijiashvili. Ini masih bukan sesuatu yang akan membuat konsumen rata-rata habis dan membelinya, "kata analis yang tak tahan lama kepada AFP. Pengamat wawasan IHS Ian Fogg mengatakan bahwa Apple telah melakukan beberapa upgrade yang masuk akal namun mengatakan bahwa arloji baru tersebut tidak mungkin membuat gelombang besar. Untuk saat ini, kemampuan kebugaran dan kemitraan Nike yang meningkat akan membuat bisnis Apple Watch tetap berjalan, tanpa menciptakan kategori produk terobosan baru bagi Apple karena iPhone aslinya sembilan tahun yang lalu, kata dia. Dia berpendapat bahwa produsen perlu membuat beberapa kemajuan teknologi untuk menarik pasar yang lebih luas daripada hanya pakar teknologi. QuotI masih berpikir ada banyak kesempatan untuk itu, namun teknologinya perlu menjadi lebih baik, untuk mengaktifkan masa pakai baterai multi hari, untuk memungkinkan layar selalu ada di mana-mana, agar ukuran perangkat menjadi lebih kecil, kata dia kepada AFP di depan Peluncuran Apple Watch. Masalahnya semua terkait - perangkatnya tebal karena teknologi layar dan daya baterai yang dibutuhkannya memerlukan jam tangan dengan ukuran tertentu. Direktur Jenderal Sony Mobile France Jean-Raoul de Gelis sepakat bahwa sektor ini hanya bisa mendorong ke arus utama jika inovasi eksplisit dilakukan. QuotA smartwatch yang harus diisi ulang setiap hari dengan cepat menjadi menjengkelkan bagi pengguna, kata dia. Bukan pasar yang sekarat, tapi ini adalah pasar yang harus membuat kemajuan lebih banyak di bidang teknologi, kata de Gelis kepada AFP di sela pameran teknologi IFA Berlin, yang berakhir pada hari Rabu. Pasar menonton konvergen Salah satu pendatang pertama memasuki pasar smartphone, raksasa Korea Selatan Samsung, mengatakan bahwa pihaknya berusaha mengatasi beberapa masalah tersebut dengan bekerja sama dengan perancang dari industri jam tangan tradisional - Swiss, tidak kurang. Gear S3 terbarunya, smartwatch generasi ketiga, memiliki wajah bulat dan menawarkan masa pakai baterai tiga sampai empat hari. Meski begitu, tetap menjadi arloji besar. Guillaume Berlemont, direktur pemasaran untuk perangkat mobile di Samsung France, mengatakan bahwa perusahaan tersebut telah bekerja dengan perancang dari produsen jam tangan Hublot Swiss, agar quotto merespons harapan orang-orang yang menginginkan jam tangan. Samsung tidak melihat smartwatch menjadi smartphone ersatz. Sebaliknya, ia berusaha mengganti jamter konvensional. Pembuat jam tradisional mencoba mengenalkan lebih banyak dan lebih banyak elektronik ke dalam jam tangan klasik mereka, dan kami membawa jam tangan terhubung lebih dekat ke format tontonan klasik, katanya. Kami percaya bahwa dalam dua tahun, pasar hanya akan menjadi pasar arloji, "kata Berlemont kepada AFP. Jijiashvili setuju dan mengatakan konsumen akhirnya akan jatuh cinta dengan quotsmartwatches yang terlihat seperti jam tangan tradisional dengan beberapa kecerdasan imbeddedquot. Daerah itu akan melihat daya tarik pasar massal, menurut perkiraan analis. Atas kebajikan kebiasaan baik, bukan kemarahan dan penyebab dramatis, untuk mempertahankan demokrasi. Jika Anda menunggu masalah memotivasi yang besar sebelum bertindak, Anda akan relatif tidak efektif karena menunggu terlalu lama dan kurangnya latihan Anda terlibat dengan politik, yang membuat Anda rentan terhadap orang-orang yang memangsa kemarahan dan kekecewaan Anda. Musisi besar menghabiskan bertahun-tahun belajar bermain, penulis hebat menghabiskan bertahun-tahun belajar membaca dan menulis dan bercerita. Kami menyukai mitos kesuksesan langsung entah dari mana, tapi kenyataannya adalah barang itu bekerja, barang dibutuhkan latihan, dan siapa pun yang mau mengerjakan pekerjaan bisa mendapatkan beberapa tingkat prestasi. Ini adalah saran yang saya harap sudah pernah Anda dengar sebelumnya, tapi ini berlaku untuk lebih dari sekedar kesuksesan pribadi. Ada kekuatan di dunia yang ingin Anda percaya bahwa Anda tidak berdaya, bahwa tindakan Anda tidak penting. Bahwa suara Anda, sumbangan Anda, panggilan Anda, protes Anda, jangan penting. Kebenaran itu tidak penting. Bahwa Anda tidak dapat mempercayai siapa pun, bahkan Anda sendiri, bahwa semua pilihan sama buruknya, sistem rusak, semua orang korup, Anda tidak dapat mengubah apapun, ada kekuatan di dunia yang secara aktif mencoba memanipulasi Anda untuk melepaskan kekuatan Anda. . Tapi Anda kuat, mungkin butuh lebih banyak waktu dan usaha daripada yang Anda harapkan. Jangan sampai ada yang meyakinkan Anda bahwa kesempatan Anda untuk menggunakan kekuatan Anda hanya ada satu kali dalam empat tahun, dan hanya jika kandidat yang tepat dipresentasikan kepada Anda. Ada orang-orang yang ingin memaksa pemilih Trump, yang banyak di antaranya enggan untuk memilihnya, untuk menjadi pendukung Trump, terdorong secara ekstrem oleh mereka untuk terus mempertahankan pilihan mereka sendiri dan dengan perluasan Trump sendiri, bahkan ketika mereka mulai Sadarilah bahwa dia tidak akan menepati janjinya kepada mereka. Saya tahu ada orang-orang yang memilih Trump dan sudah bertindak atas kekhawatiran mereka tentang dia, karena memberikan suara untuk seseorang tidak berarti mendukung semua hal yang mereka lakukan sampai pemilihan berikutnya. Anda dapat memilih kandidat yang cacat dan kemudian mengerjakan kekurangannya. Saya tahu orang-orang yang dukungannya terhadap Bernie Sanders adalah tindakan politik nyata pertama mereka, dan keputusan terakhir mereka. Ada kekuatan yang akan meyakinkan Anda bukan hanya karena kehilangannya tidak adil, tapi jawaban atas ketidakadilan ini adalah menahan partisipasi Anda, entah bagaimana menghukum sistem dengan diam, menyaksikan dan mengkritik demokrasi Anda sendiri karena membuat kesalahan yang mungkin bisa dihindari. Dengan bantuan Anda, masih bisa menghindari dengan bantuan Anda. Menurut Anda apa yang tersisa saat Anda tidak berpartisipasi dalam demokrasi? Pertanyaan motif orang-orang yang sinisme hanya mendorong kelambanan, orang-orang yang sikap moralnya hanya menuntut kelambanan, orang-orang yang akan memberi tahu Anda jalan menuju perubahan positif adalah tidak melakukan apa-apa. Waspadalah terhadap argumen dengan orang asing yang dipilih sendiri yang terlibat dengan Anda semata-mata untuk tujuan tidak setuju dengan Anda dan menyuruh Anda untuk berhenti. Ada banyak diskusi itikad baik yang bisa dilakukan dengan orang-orang di sekitar Anda, tetangga Anda, keluarga Anda, komunitas Anda, komunitas Anda, yang mungkin tidak Anda setujui dalam beberapa hal atau memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang berbeda, namun Anda dapat menemukan kesamaan dan saling menerima satu sama lain. Kemanusiaan dan bekerja sama. Luangkan waktumu bersama orang-orang itu, bukan dengan orang yang akan membidikmu sebagai lawan untuk dipukuli. Ingat ada hal seperti kebenaran dan kenyataan. Ingat bahwa di AS kita memiliki konstitusi, dokumen dasar yang memberi kita kesamaan. Bukan partisan untuk mengecam tindakan inkonstitusional. Semua orang, termasuk perguruan tinggi pemilihan, memiliki banyak alasan bagus untuk menolak Trump mengingat ketidakpeduliannya terhadap konstitusi, konflik kepentingan dan konflik rakyatnya, dia memilih untuk timnya, dia tidak pernah mendapat dukungan kuat dari Republik, tidak memiliki dukungan yang populer, Dan berada di jalur yang sangat merusak jika orang tidak maju dan melakukan lebih dari sekedar saling mengkritik. Ngomong-ngomong, perguruan tinggi pemilihan tidak memilih sampai 19 Desember, dan secara teknis mereka bisa memilih siapa saja yang mereka inginkan. Dan maksud saya ada beberapa pemilih tahun ini yang mengatakan bahwa mereka memberikan suara untuk Mitt Romney. Pemilih dipilih oleh partai pemenang negara bagian, dan kemungkinan banyak pemilih akan tetap berpegang pada moral mereka dan menolak mayoritas Trump, dalam hal ini pemungutan suara akan diajukan ke rumah perwakilan yang berarti bahwa anggota kongres Anda dapat memutuskan pemilihan ini. Mungkin tidak, tapi ada pemilihan di mana seluruh negara bagian memilih pemilih pemilu berkumpul dan memilih orang lain. Jadi, ada sesuatu yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk terlibat dengan politik, apakah karena Anda menginginkan perguruan tinggi pemilihan memilih orang lain atau tidak menginginkannya atau mungkin Anda sama sekali tidak menyukai universitas pemilihan itu. Jika Anda tidak menyukai sistem ini, sistem kami dibangun untuk dapat mengubah dirinya sendiri, tetapi hanya jika Anda berpartisipasi di dalamnya, dan bagi mereka yang bekerja lebih baik di bawah tenggat waktu, tidak lama sebelum pemilihan suara 19 Desember. Jika Anda tidak berpikir tindakan Anda dapat segera menyebabkan perubahan yang Anda inginkan, itu bagus, tidak semua tindakan memiliki hasil langsung, atau hasil yang jelas. Tapi ikut juga. Politisi dapat dengan aman mengabaikan orang-orang yang tidak berpartisipasi atau yang hanya berpartisipasi sekali dan kemudian berkecil hati. Dan jika cukup banyak orang tidak berpartisipasi, mereka bisa mengabaikan kita semua, dan begitulah demokrasi gagal. Ada kekuatan lain di dunia yang ingin melihat kita gagal dengan cara seperti itu. Tapi berpartisipasi dalam politik menjadi lebih mudah dengan latihan, dan sesuatu yang setiap orang bisa pelajari bagaimana melakukannya. Langkah 1: Buat daftar. Kertas, digital, apa pun, berikan judul yang bagus, inilah daftar yang kemudian dapat Anda isi dengan tindakan lain yang mungkin Anda sukai, dan tujuannya adalah melakukan satu atau lebih dari tindakan ini setiap hari Selasa saat makan siang, misalnya, Hanya selama 5 atau 10 menit, selama Action Time. Its mudah ketika sebuah kebiasaan, dan jika Anda dapat menemukan teman untuk bekerjasama dengan Action Time, itu adalah langkah yang baik 2. Hal yang hebat tentang memiliki daftar dan ada waktu untuk bertindak atasnya adalah bahwa alih-alih terus-menerus mengkhawatirkan Keadaan dunia atau menekankan berita sementara Anda seharusnya melakukan hal-hal lain, Anda bisa menempatkan kekhawatiran Anda di daftar Anda dan kembali ke apa yang Anda lakukan sampai waktu tindakan. Heres beberapa hal dalam daftar saya: 1. Panggil anggota Kongres saya untuk mengucapkan selamat kepadanya terpilih menjadi Pemimpin Minoritas Rumah Tangga. Saya pernah memanggilnya sebelumnya tentang hal lain tapi ini sebagian karena latihannya yang mudah membuat kongres menelepon dan sebagian mendapat panggilan lain di buku sehingga kongres mengetahui bahwa warga negara ini memperhatikan. Saya mungkin akan mencapai magang yang sangat baik yang akan dengan senang hati mendengar dukungan dan menyampaikan komentar saya dan jika mereka sempat menanyai mereka apakah ada hal lain yang seharusnya ada di radar saya dan mereka akan senang menceritakannya kepada saya semua. Peristiwa politik penting yang tidak terjangkau cenderung mencapai berita utama dan juga mengakhiri percakapan dengan lebih bahagia dan mendapat informasi lebih baik. 2. Kirimkan email ke teman saya di Oklahoma dan Texas dan tanyakan apakah mereka akan menghubungi politisi lokal mereka tentang hak wanita, ini ada dalam daftar karena saya melihat beberapa hal menakutkan dalam berita yang ingin saya lakukan lebih dari sekedar marah. 3. Cari markas dan acara pesta lokal saya, saya sudah lama ingin melihat-lihat di sekitar sini dan mungkin ada acara yang diminati, mungkin tidak, saya tak tahu apa-apa. 4. Sesuatu tentang Pendidikan Saya tidak yakin apa yang belum tapi saya cenderung diseret ke dalam diskusi kebijakan pendidikan dan Id ingin membantu mengatasi kerusakan yang dapat dilakukan DeVos terhadap pendidikan publik. 5. Hubungi gubernur negara bagian dan politisi lokal yang mengekspresikan sebuah harapan bahwa supermajoritas Demokrat kita akan bermain baik dengan negara Republik kita daripada terinfeksi oleh partisipasi partisan Trump. 6. Berlangganan ke sumber berita lokal. Karena membaca dan mendukung jurnalisme nyata yang menjawab pelanggan, bukan pengiklan atau klik, sangat penting untuk meminta pertanggungjawaban politisi, memberantas korupsi, dan tetap mendapat informasi, dan saya tidak membayar untuk sesuatu yang cukup lokal untuk peduli dengan politisi lokal saya saat ini. Apa lagi Jika saya tinggal di negara bagian Merah, Id akan memanggil partai Republik negara bagian saya untuk meminta agar pemilih Partai Republik memilih siapa pun kecuali Trump. Jika saya tinggal di Louisiana Id, mencoba mengajak semua orang di sekitar saya terlibat dalam perlombaan senat saat ini. Jika saya tinggal di Inggris, Id akan membuat telepon terkait perundingan Brexit, jika saya tinggal di Prancis atau Jerman atau anggota demokrasi lainnya, Anda harus memperhatikan dan mengambil tindakan selagi saya masih bisa melakukannya. Anda bisa menelpon dengan teman, surat juga bagus, Anda bisa mengumpulkan satu kelompok dan saling membantu, Anda bisa menulis surat, Anda bisa menghubungi speakerphone dengan teman yang lebih baik dengan panggilan telepon dari pada Anda, dengan latihan yang adil. Mudah untuk mengeluh kepada perwakilan Anda karena ingin mengeluh kepada teman Anda di media sosial meskipun Anda dapat terus melakukannya juga selama Anda tidak melakukannya secara eksklusif. Yang baik memiliki daftar panjang yang bisa Anda kerjakan bahkan hanya selama lima menit dalam seminggu, menghindari drama dan tekanan untuk memenuhi semua harapan Anda dalam satu dorongan raksasa untuk satu orang, satu seruan teriakan besar untuk hal politik paling dramatis yang pernah ada. Mengubah dunia tidak memerlukan stres dan kemarahan dan semua-mencakup emosi negatif. Keahliannya yang biasa-biasa saja seperti yang lainnya dalam hidup jadi buat daftar, jadwalkan dalam beberapa Action Time, dan rileks. Kami punya ini Jika Anda berada di AS, cari tahu siapa perwakilan Anda di sini: whoismyrepresentative Anda dapat mencari nama mereka untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang mereka dan posisinya, atau Anda bisa menghubungi mereka dan mintalah video bagus Hank Green8217 tentang bagaimana menulis surat kepada Anda Perwakilan, dengan contoh dan info dalam deskripsi: youtubewatchvmp4h-3vQafk Ada banyak video di internet orang-orang yang memanggil perwakilan mereka, sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan ide tentang apa rasanya. Ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang serial video elektoral pemilihan Mickelehs di universitas pemilihan memiliki kedalaman yang tidak biasa: dia menentang gagasan bahwa mereka harus mengubah suara mereka: youtubewatchvM2vV9xBOSmY orang Inggris Rosianna pada partisipasi politik pasca-Brexit: youtubewatchvuLxzv6HmyHk Internet penuh Informasi untuk dimanapun Anda berada dan apa pun yang Anda pedulikan. Juga berbicara langsung dengan teman, keluarga, dan orang-orang di komunitas Anda, untuk mengetahui apa yang mereka ketahui dan saling bantu lakukan. Pada malam pemilihan 2016, saya memiliki kilas balik pada pemilihan tahun 2000, tetap terjaga sampai larut malam terpaku ke televisi sambil berharap Florida akan berhasil melewatinya, yah, pada tahun 2000 saya masih kecil dan total Demokrat sama seperti orang tua saya. Dan saya ingat betapa tidak adilnya perasaan saat Al Gore memenangkan suara rakyat namun kalah dalam pemilihan George W. Bush. Dua hal tentang pemilihan itu terjebak dengan saya, yang akhirnya mengubah bagaimana saya berpikir tentang politik. Yang pertama adalah seberapa dekat situ. Bahkan saat itu saya memiliki intuisi yang cukup baik untuk mengetahui statistik bahwa jika pemilihan presiden secara konsisten berjalan begitu dekat, dalam beberapa persentase poin hampir setiap saat, itu tidak acak. Hal aneh kedua adalah keseluruhan gagasan tentang negara merah, negara biru, dan negara-negara ayunan. Banyak orang fokus pada keadaan ayunan tapi yang menurut saya jauh lebih menarik secara matematis adalah bahwa ada keadaan merah dan keadaan biru. Mengapa ada negara yang tidak mengubah pikiran mereka Perasaan dari malam pemilihan itu mengikuti saya setelah terjadinya 911 dan peperangan yang tidak saya inginkan dan sampai pada pemilihan setelah berusia 18 tahun, namun sementara itu diambil sebagai Diberikan dalam seluruh gelembung liberal saya yang jelas bahwa Bush bodoh dan orang-orang Republik bodoh dan saya mengikuti cara berpikir ini sampai pertanyaan lama mulai menggali saya. Mengapa arent Demokrat, yang sangat jelas benar, menang dengan margin yang besar Mengapa ada negara Merah sama sekali Jawaban standar di lingkaran saya sepertinya begitu, yah, jika Bush bodoh dan orang Republik memilihnya karena mereka bodoh, Dan jika orang-orang Republik bodoh dan setengah negara adalah Republikan, maka pasti separuh negara itu bodoh, memandangi kita remaja terpintar yang pernah ada, berjuang untuk melewati tanah orang bodoh. Aura bahasa logis memberi suara otoritas tapi tidak membuat sesuatu menjadi kenyataan dalam kehidupan nyata. Saya mengetahui bahwa negara bagian merah itu merah karena mereka memiliki lebih banyak daerah pedesaan, dan negara biru biru karena mereka memiliki kota-kota yang lebih besar. Saya mengetahui bahwa apakah Anda seorang Demokrat atau Republikan dapat diprediksi secara akurat oleh tempat Anda dilahirkan, dan tidak ada yang memilih untuk dilahirkan. Saya harus mempertimbangkan bahwa jika saya dilahirkan di tempat yang berbeda dengan keluarga yang berbeda, saya akan menjadi seorang Republikan yang tidak kompromi yang mengolok-olok orang liberal yang bodoh dan percaya semua stereotip anti-liberal, dan saya menyadari bahwa ada banyak orang mengerikan yang adalah Demokrat Hanya karena keadaan mereka. Saya belajar mengapa pemilihan begitu dekat, sehingga jika satu pihak memimpin banyak, mereka dapat memasukkan lebih sedikit sumber daya untuk berkampanye, sementara pihak yang kalah menggeser platform mereka untuk menarik lebih banyak pemilih, yang berarti bahwa Demokrat dan Republik tidak memiliki dua jenis berbeda dari Orang dengan ideologi yang berbeda secara mendasar, namun target yang bergerak dalam sistem penyeimbang diri. Saya harus menghibur premis bahwa mungkin orang Republikan dan Demokrat sama-sama orang cerdas yang melakukan yang terbaik yang mereka bisa dengan apa yang mereka ketahui, dan seiring bertambahnya usia dan duniaku tumbuh, saya telah bertemu dengan banyak Republikan yang sangat cerdas dan hebat yang telah membuat saya percaya bahwa , Seperti biasa, diriku yang lebih muda terlalu cepat untuk menilai. Itulah pembagian yang ingin saya sembuhkan. Perpecahan yang membuat anak tiriku sendiri memecat Partai Republik untuk truk pengangkut gas besar mereka sementara saya menikmati infrastruktur perkotaan tak terlihat yang membuka jalan saya, mengambil sampah saya, dan mengirimkan gas yang saya gunakan untuk memanaskan rumah saya melalui pipa tersembunyi. Saya ingin menyembuhkan perpecahan yang membuat beberapa kaum liberal tidak hanya pura-pura tapi sebenarnya takut pada orang-orang yang menemukan nilai pribadi dan budaya dalam kepemilikan senjata, perpecahan yang membuat kita lupa betapa mudahnya menuntut kita semua menyingkirkan sesuatu yang hanya orang lain hargai. . Saya ingin menyembuhkan perpecahan yang menyebabkan banyak penduduk kota non-religius secara fundamental salah memahami peran infrastruktur sosial gereja di masyarakat pedesaan, merawat orang sakit dan orang miskin di tempat-tempat yang jauh dari kantor program sosial yang didanai pemerintah. Infrastruktur bersama kota membuat lebih mudah, lebih efisien, untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup dengan sedikit uang, untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan di dunia, untuk pulih secara ekonomi. Itulah pembagian yang biasa, tapi dengan Trump, saya pikir ada cerita yang berbeda, dan bukan yang saya lihat ada orang lain yang mengatakannya. Anda lihat, banyak orang terkejut dengan kemenangan Trumps, dan kejutan ini telah menyebabkan banyak spekulasi mengenai poling dan di mana mereka salah. Yang mana mereka benar-benar salah karena Hillary memenangkan pemungutan suara populer dengan selisih besar sehingga tidak seperti beberapa penyerang Trump yang misterius yang tidak kita ketahui, tapi toh. Perbedaan antara jajak pendapat dan hasilnya menyebabkan obsesi ini menunjuk pada berbagai jajak pendapat yang berbeda untuk mencoba dan menjelaskan mengapa Trump menang. Its standar kesalahan fokus pada apa yang terukur karena thats apa yang mudah dan tak terbantahkan. Buktinya, buktinya, dan siapa saja yang memiliki keterampilan matematika dasar dapat membandingkan angka dalam bentuk persetujuan yang benar-benar logis, dan memungkinkan menggabungkannya dengan kesalahan intelektual favorit saya yang lain: yang mana Anda mendapatkan apa yang Anda ukur. Jika Anda mengukur ras, Anda akan mendapatkan ras, jika Anda mengukur jenis kelamin dan seksualitas, Anda mendapatkan jenis kelamin dan seksualitas. Media telah diambil alih dengan berdebat tentang hal-hal ini karena mudah untuk menilai secara pseudo-rasional tentang jumlah yang lebih besar dari jumlah lainnya. Media sedang memusatkan pembicaraan seputar politik identitas karena itulah datanya. Namun tidak seperti yang diperlihatkan data. Seperti, Trump tidak menang karena turunnya jumlah pemilih kulit hitam, meski penindasan pemilih berhasil cukup bagus di sana. Trump menang dan juga kami mengukur jumlah pemilih kulit hitam. Kami mengukur banyak hal. Jadi saya melihat data yang baru. Banyak data, dalam konteks yang lebih luas, dan minggu kemudian saya akhirnya sampai pada sebuah kesimpulan. Saya salah. Yang tidak benar-benar tentang liberal vs konservatif, kota vs negara, putih vs multikultural, tidak kali ini. Its benar-benar tentang tua dan muda. Bukan vs, dan belum tentu sebagai individu tapi juga sebagai masyarakat dan sebagai budaya, oke disini kita pergi: Pertama bagian data dangkal. Edison Research, yang melakukan pemilihan di luar negeri, mengatakan bahwa pemilihan di atas 45-an memilih Trump saat di bawah 45-an memilih Hillary, dan jajak pendapat lainnya menunjukkan rincian lainnya, pemungutan suara lebih dari 50-an untuk Trump, tren semua poling adalah bahwa semakin tua Anda Dapatkan lebih banyak pemilih Trump Anda, sementara Hillary sangat disukai di kalangan pemilih muda. 18-29 paling kuat, dan 30-45 juga. Dan jumlah pemilih di kelompok usia tersebut terlihat cukup normal, meskipun jika pemilih yang lebih muda ternyata seperti pemilih yang lebih tua, Hillary pasti berhasil menang telak, sementara Baby Boomers semakin tua, jumlah lifespans meningkat, dan semakin tua Anda semakin Anda memilih untuk memilih Jadi ini adalah pemilihan yang bagus untuk menarik pemilih yang lebih tua, dan orang-orang yang lebih tua tidak pernah menjadi tokoh Republik tapi orang-orang yang menganggap pemilih muda memilih panggung untuk mengeluarkan G dari GOP tahun ini. Tapi bukan demografi murni yang muncul kepadaku, tapi korelasinya. Korelasi seperti itu banyak daerah pedesaan meningkat pada usia rata-rata saat orang muda mencari peluang di kota dan populasi yang lebih tua terus bertambah tua, perubahan industri, dan mereka pergi tanpa pekerjaan yang mereka latih, dan tidak seperti universitas di kota mana Mereka bisa belajar keterampilan dan kualifikasi baru. Yang berarti statistik ini terkait dengan ekonomi, meskipun ingat orang-orang yang membuat kurang dari rata-rata memilih Hillary, dan berapa banyak yang Anda buat juga berkorelasi dengan usia, maka sementara pemilih muda yang miskin memilih Hillary, Trumps para pemilih khawatir tentang masa pensiun dan perawatan kesehatan. Dalam sebuah sistem yang gagal dalam kedua hal tersebut. Usia berkorelasi dengan ras, dan demografi AS semakin beragam yang belum benar-benar memukul kolam pemilih, dan juga mempertimbangkan agama. Saya tidak bermaksud beraneka ragam agama, maksud saya agama menengah-amerika dimana gereja bukan hanya sebuah komunitas tapi masyarakat, dengan kekompakan yang menetes dari anggota yang lebih tua. Saya ingin berbicara tentang usia bukan karena alasan itu ada, tapi karena itu berubah bagaimana kita harus mendekati ini. Bila orang yang tinggal di tempat yang berbeda saling menolak cara hidup seseorang, ada sesuatu yang bisa dikompromikan dan disatukan. Tapi jika benar-benar orang muda melihat ke masa depan sementara orang tua ingin kembali ke bagaimana keadaannya, itu adalah percakapan yang berbeda. Trump tidak kehilangan suara terbanyak, dia kehilangan bagian muda Amerika. Amerika telah berubah. Pemilih yang lebih muda multikultural, kita memiliki beragam identitas, dapat beradaptasi, memiliki 4 pekerjaan berbeda di beberapa industri, kita tidak mengharapkan keamanan kerja atau sumber daya alam yang melimpah atau untuk memiliki dunia yang dimiliki orang tua kita. Kita beradaptasi, dan kita saling peduli, tidak hanya di Amerika Serikat tapi di seluruh dunia, karena kita terhubung, kita diberitahu, kita memiliki dunia di ujung jari kita. Kami khawatir tentang bagaimana menangani masalah lingkungan yang telah diserahkan kepada kami, bagaimana akan mengakhiri perang yang telah kami tangani. Semua orang ingin meninggalkan dunia yang lebih baik untuk anak-anak mereka dan akan wajar bagi orang tua untuk sedikit kesal karena kita menemukan begitu banyak kekurangan dengan dunia yang mereka berikan kepada kita, tapi ini bukan kisah dua benua Amerika, sebuah kisah tentang Amerika baru, tentang sebuah negara yang telah meningkat dan berubah berkali-kali. Tidak ada sisi untuk berjuang dan menang. Inilah celah yang Anda jembatani dengan bersikap baik satu sama lain, dengan meminta orang Amerika yang lebih tua untuk tidak menolak pemuda Amerika dan Amerika yang lebih muda untuk menghormati sejarah dan tetua kita dan pastikan mereka tidak dilupakan dalam dunia teknologi baru. Ada perbedaan antara pendukung Trump neo-nazi muda yang bersemangat yang telah begitu berani kepadanya, didorong oleh pemerintahannya, dan para pemilih yang lebih tua dan terputus dan yang menurut saya benar-benar menjadi basisnya. Kekuatan gelap di rumah putih akan membelah kita, Steve Bannon berpura-pura menang Trump adalah tentang perang budaya antara nasionalis dan liberal, budaya pc dan kelas menengah Amerika Serikat, dan bukannya perbedaan generasi. Potongan pemikiran yang sama dengan media yang ditulis sekitar milenium tahun yang lalu sekarang ditulis ulang sebagai potongan tentang kaum liberal, namun tetap merupakan orang yang sama dan tidak akan pergi. Media lawas terobsesi dengan gagasan tentang politik identitas saat sudah selesai, hanya mencoba untuk memahami dan saling menghormati satu sama lain di dunia yang berubah. Dan mungkin dengan semua perubahan baru ini, kami memang lupa memasukkan perjuangan orang-orang tua. Mungkin kita jatuh ke dalam kekeliruan menilai kehidupan orang-orang masa depan hipotetis lebih dari kehidupan orang-orang yang sudah ada di komunitas kita ini. Pemilih yang lebih tua tidak tumbuh dengan gagasan tentang perubahan iklim, bukan tentang kaum liberal yang cerdas dan orang-orang Republikan menjadi penyangkal ilmu pengetahuan, jumlahnya memberitahu saya tentang usia. Statistik memberi tahu kami bahwa pemilih Trump tidak berpendidikan tapi ingat tingkat pendidikan meningkat seiring berjalannya waktu dan itu adalah hal yang baik, dan mungkin juga ada beberapa pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan dalam membawa inovasi pendidikan kepada orang-orang yang tidak bersekolah, dan tidak berkontak lagi dengan yang baru-baru ini. Orang berpendidikan. Pemilih yang lebih tua tidak tumbuh dengan internet. Angka-angka menunjukkan bahwa semakin tua Anda mendapatkan lebih banyak waktu yang Anda habiskan untuk menonton televisi, itulah informasi dari banyak orang, dan media warisan, dalam usaha mereka untuk bersikap adil terhadap pihak lain dan mendapatkan penilaian dari audiens mereka benar-benar hilang bagaimana Pro-Trump mereka masuk ke demografi yang lebih muda, apakah mereka atau Trumpthink mereka pro-Trump atau tidak. Mungkin saat orang muda menolak media lama dan pergi ke internet, kita tidak memikirkan semua efek sampingnya. Mungkin kita bisa meluangkan waktu untuk mengajar orang tua tentang perubahan iklim dan cara memilah-milah tipuan di internet, dan mereka dapat meluangkan waktu untuk mengajar orang-orang muda tentang pentingnya mematikan suara dan bagaimana menggunakan telepon untuk menghubungi perwakilan. Trump bermain untuk orang-orang yang takut, bukan hanya karena kecemasan ekonomi umum tapi tentang pensiun dan warisan mereka dan kematian mereka sendiri. Takut pada ancaman eksistensial yang ditimbulkan oleh invasi imajiner. Dia tahu bagaimana berbicara dengan orang seusianya, kepada orang kulit putih yang tumbuh selama perang dingin, dan di tempat-tempat di mana dukungan akan menetes karena struktur masyarakat. Ada perbedaan penting antara mereka yang takut akan yang tidak diketahui dan mereka yang membenci yang diketahui, antara mereka yang menghindari seseorang karena mereka tidak ingin disakiti dan mereka yang berhubungan dengan seseorang karena mereka ingin melihat mereka menderita. Perilaku sebelumnya mungkin tidak bisa diterima, tapi mudah didekati. Anda bisa membicarakannya. Saya tidak membuat alasan untuk kefanatikan tapi mungkin kita bisa mengubah bagaimana kita mendekati hal itu untuk pangsa besar basis pemilih Trumps yang mungkin aktif dalam menentangnya jika kita memberi mereka ruang untuknya. Ada banyak orang tua yang bersemangat ditantang dan dilibatkan oleh budaya Amerika muda, yang bersedia mengakui bahwa mereka salah saat mereka salah, bahkan jika hal itu menantang otoritas mereka. Tapi dari apa yang saya lihat dari Trump dan Bannon, mereka senang melihat penderitaan orang-orang yang tidak setuju dengan mereka, mereka berusaha untuk menghukum mereka yang menentang mereka, dan Anda tidak dapat memiliki dialog yang sukses dengan seseorang yang ingin melihat Anda terluka. Demokrat tidak akan bekerja dengan Trump, tapi Partai Republik tidak bisa bekerja sama dengan Trump. Mereka bisa mematuhinya, tapi mereka tidak bisa bekerja sama dengannya. Apakah rumah putih itu mencerminkan atau tidak, tidak ada masa depan di Trump. Dunia sudah berubah. Beberapa pemilih Trumps hanya ingin membakarnya tapi sebagian besar dari mereka telah menunjukkan bahwa mereka peduli dengan masa depan negara kita, mereka bertunangan, mereka ingin bekerja keras, dan mungkin kita bisa menemukan arah untuk energi yang kita dapat. Setuju, daripada meninggalkan generasi terdahulu. Karena akan memiliki masalah yang sama ketika generasi tua dan masa depan fasih dalam teknologi yang tidak dapat kita bayangkan, yang menghubungkannya dengan informasi dan pemahaman yang tidak dapat kita akses secara efektif. Mari kita belajar sekarang bagaimana kita menjembatani kesenjangan usia di dunia teknologi informasi yang semakin meningkat. Bisakah kita memanggil teman dan keluarga kita yang lebih tua dan menceritakan keprihatinan kita kepada mereka, katakan kepada mereka tentang dunia yang dapat kita lihat Dapatkah kita mendengarkan ceritanya? Dapatkah kita mengingat bahwa wakil dan senator kita juga sebagian besar lebih tua dan tidak tumbuh dengan internet dan tidak membaca Twitter feed dan memberi mereka panggilan untuk berbagi keprihatinan Kami dapatkah kami menjangkau secara pribadi kepada mereka yang mendapatkan informasi mereka dengan cara itu Dapatkah kami menemukan cara untuk tidak setuju dalam pendapat kami tapi setuju pada fakta Bisakah kami meminta mereka yang tumbuh dalam waktu yang berbeda Untuk mendukung kita Bisakah kita bertanya kepada orang-orang yang tumbuh dalam waktu yang berbeda bagaimana kita dapat mendukungnya? Saya merasa sangat berharap, namun ada beberapa hal penting dalam hal ini dan saya tidak dapat membantu memikirkan nenek saya. Saya tinggal bersamanya saat karya matematika saya mulai populer, saya menghormati otoritas kediktatorannya di rumahnya dan saya memaafkan komentar sesekali yang seseorang sebut kuno saat dikatakan oleh nenek Anda sendiri. Tapi saya sering memikirkan fakta bahwa ketika dia sakit, dia membuat keputusan sadar untuk meninggal daripada meninggalkan rumah. Ini bukan pilihan yang tidak biasa. Kita didefinisikan oleh hal-hal yang kita nilai lebih dari diri kita sendiri. Nenek membuat rumah dan frustrasi karena saya tidak ingin menggunakan internet atau menerima identitas yang lebih luas, dia membuat saya diterima di rumah yang lebih berharga daripada hidupnya sendiri. Jadi, bagi generasi masa depan yang menghargai kehidupan kita semua secara setara, saya memohon agar Anda mengingat bahwa hidup dihormati secara universal namun dihabiskan secara individual. Bersikaplah baik kepada mereka yang benar-benar mendefinisikan diri mereka sebagai orang Amerika terlebih dahulu, mereka yang dengan sepenuh hati akan menyambut Anda ke negara yang akan mereka jalani. Itu adalah semacam nasionalisme yang harus dihormati, dan saya pikir kita bisa menemukan cara untuk bersatu dalam mendukung budaya baru Amerika sambil tetap menghormati mereka yang membawa kita ke sini. This post, including video, is Public Domain CC0 Welcome back to Vi Hart Weekly As you know, every week has a theme, and sometimes when the theme is less obvious people enjoy drawing their own connections and trying to guess it. Spoiler: last week8217s theme (or at least the one I intended) was tiny things scale. Now on to this week 1. Improvisation of the Week: Some piano voice improvising I did after work on some day I forget. I forget what it sounds like, because getting it out of my brain is what recording and sharing things is all about. Bye piano thing I like Audacity for sound recording because it is so very simple. It doesn8217t do hidden secret things or try to be smarter than the user. But when recording this I had a problem where occasionally Audacity would insert a bunch of zero values into the samples. All the information is there on either side, just these extra bits create an awful click sound. I was hoping to be able to quickly search the samples for strings of zeros and remove them, but unfortunately they8217re not quite zero, making it a little harder. Just getting rid of strings within a certain range could false positive on soft sections too. Really the thing to do is look for sudden changes in slope that go tofrom zero. I managed to get rid of most of the clicks 2. Vacation of the Week: I8217m feeling good and am later than usual for this weekly because I managed to take three days of vacation Says my brain. Really two of those days were the weekend, brain, and those don8217t count. Ok, so one day of vacation, says my brain. Except I worked until 2pm before leaving for said vacation, so. But pretty good, doin8217 pretty good on the actually-take-time-off-and-don8217t-burn-out thing. I only filmed one video while on vacation and I didn8217t even edit it on vacation. Taking time off is important for being able to continue doing work, but it8217s easy to look at that time and regret that I got so much less done in the past week than in weeks when I work constantly A reason not to judge productivity on a weekly basis. Need larger sample sizes to smooth over the zeros. We8217ve been spending some time lately organizing our many projects and blog posts, and I8217m constantly amazed at how much we8217ve done. So many experiments forgotten and dug up as we go through old bits of research. Our projects page is awesome. One of these old experiments we never documented was when we tried making 360 video with just a normal smartphone and a cheap clip-on wide-angle lens, to see how inexpensive simple consumer VR creation could be. So I wrote up a post about that. and cut our old documentation footage into a video (in the post too). But the big news is that Evelyn Eastmond is officially joining my team I8217m really excited about this because she is exactly the kind of deep-thinking world-aware artist-programmer I love working with, and I8217ve been wanting to work with her for a while. So I8217m just thrilled that she8217s agreed to join. And now she8217s in the regular eleVR blog rotation too, so you can check out her posts. 4. Vi Hart Video of the Week: I posted about this in my previous blog post because videos sometimes get their own posts, but it8217s still the Vi Hart video of the week. Recommended to me by Paula Te in relation to my work on Real Virtual Physics, this is a fun paper that describes a 5-day activity with a group of sixth-grade children where they are encouraged to invent and improve on different ways of representing motion. It8217s interesting to read through the thought processes of the kids as they critique various invented representations, and move towards things resembling traditional representations of motion (distance over time, speed over time, etc). It was also interesting that a big sticking point was how to represent the duration of a stop. Ah zeros, always messing things up. I think there8217s something very important about understanding what kind of thing a representation-of-motion is, and what information it should contain, that can only be gained by working with more than one kind of representation-of-motion (even if some of them aren8217t very good). Once one knows what kind of thing it is, then looking at traditional representations makes more sense. It8217s also interesting to read transcripts of bits of students8217 discussion, and how critique of peers8212who are indeed the world experts in their own invented representation8212can motivate deeper thinking than discussion of an existing standard representation (which even the teacher might not know the reason for various choices). I made a video Again It8217s just a thing that happens sometimes. This one is a true story about when I got mad at a taxi driver that skidded through the crosswalk in the rain, and why they were DEFINITELY DOING MATH WRONG. Part 2 will be out next week, maybe Also, obviously I started writing this script a long time ago because it hasn8217t rained in ever. But I still think if California focused more of its policies and funding towards higher quality math education, it would make our streets safer. Today, I was walking across the street and this taxi comes zooming up to the crosswalk at a red light and slams on the brakes and skids across the crosswalk a foot in front of me and I8217m like, dude, it8217s raining, do you not realize how that affects the derivatives of your position over time, my goodness, I was one foot away from being turned into a pancake by your bad math education. Now, every driver knows that speed is what happens when you change your position over time (such as the changing position of your car as it approaches the position of the crosswalk) and that acceleration is a change in speed over time (such as, y8217know, how even if you change your speed by decelerating as much as your brakes and road conditions allow, you will still be going a positive speed by the time you reach the crosswalk, ). What many drivers don8217t seem to know is that these changes are related by mathematical laws. Some drivers are like, you8217re here, and then later you8217re there No one can explain this. And, I can understand that. The idea that anything ever goes anywhere is kind of tricky if you8217re Zeno and calculus hasn8217t been invented yet. I mean, say you8217re 20 meters from the crosswalk. How does one hit pedestrians if before you can get to the crosswalk you have to drive halfway to the crosswalk and then you have to drive halfway between there and the crosswalk and then halfway between there and the crosswalk and so on. If each of these steps took the same amount of time, then that would be quite an interesting deceleration, you8217d never hit anybody like that. But say you drive those first 10 meters in one second, and those next 5 meters in half a second, and the next 2-and-a-half meters in a quarter of a second, it doesn8217t matter how many infinite bits of distance you8217re adding up, you can break apart those 2 seconds and 20 meters in whatever way you find interesting but 2 seconds later you8217ve still gone 20 meters and 2.1 seconds later you8217re still trying to ruin my day. There8217s this stereotype about California drivers that whenever it rains, which is rarely enough these days, traffic stops because all the drivers are freaking out like what is this substance all over the ground, we dont know how to do math to it. The common wisdom seems to be that when it rains, you should just drive slower. A classic error of calculus, because it8217s not really the speed that8217s the problem with rain, but how it affects acceleration. It8217s like this: you8217re goin8217 along at a constant speed, uh, this is time and this is speed and this line is nice and flat so no change in speed is occurring, you8217re just driving at 50 miles an hour. But then, oh no, there8217s something in front of you, so you slam on the brakes. Now your speed is decreasing, decreasing, until you hit a speed of zero and stop. If you8217re at a slower speed to begin with, then this line intersects zero earlier, you can stop faster. So far so obvious. The slope of this line changes depending on your car and on road conditions: maybe you come to a stop real quickly, or maybe your brakes are bad or the road is icy and you just kinda glide for a while until finally you hit zero. Your car might be able to decelerate real fast when it8217s dry, but not so fast when it8217s raining, and then even if you start out slower it might take longer to actually stop. You can8217t just drive slower, you have to leave more distance between you and the car in front of you, and start braking earlier when you8217re coming up on a light, which is why thats what they tell you in drivers ed. Whereas if you8217ve got lots of room and can decellerate for a long time, you can start at a greater speed even if it takes a while to decelerate to zero. Which is the part they dont want to tell you in drivers ed. Of course, this is graph is kind of misleading because its not like the crosswalk is here, this axis shows time, not place. And when we need to stop, we usually don8217t care about when to stop so much as where to stop. This graph shows the speed of a taxi that needs to stop at a crosswalk, but let8217s overlay the position graph in red, same time axis, different y axis, so we can show where the crosswalk is. Here8217s where the Taxi is when I see it coming towards the crosswalk, here8217s the crosswalk, 20 meters away. So the driver is going along at a constant speed, that8217s this nice linearly increasing distance, realizes it8217s a red light and slams the brakes here. Its slowing down, and the distance over time starts this nice deceleration curve. Of course, in my case it doesn8217t reach the flat zero slope of a stopped car until it8217s gone through the crosswalk. Wish it could stop sooner, but once you decide to stop, there8217s a max decelleration, you can stop faster if you have better brakes or less momentum or if the ground is dry but there8217s always a max slope your speed can drop, which means a max curve your position can take so there we are in the crosswalk. Accelleration, speed, and position, these things are related so dont run me over in the rain. Lookin8217 at slopes. But the story doesnt end there. Were leaving off with the taxi driver stopped in the crosswalk but what happens next will surprise you. Or, not really so much, but I wanna talk about hover cars Anyway see you next time for part 2. Welcome back to Vi Hart Weekly I am glad you are here 1. Designer of the week: Otto Zenke In particular, his miniature rooms, of which there are several in the Greensboro history Museum, which I was at last week. Curator Jon Zachman was kind enough to let me put a spherical camera inside one of these tiny rooms and tell me a little bit about history behind them. It8217s a pretty compelling use of spherical video: 2. Geometric space of the week: Hyperbolic Three-Space This week I finally got around to documenting a project I did with eleVR, Henry Segerman, and Mike Stay, back in 2014. Or at least, I documented a little bit of it. We made hyperbolic virtual reality. In this video I show an unusual property of an unusual tiling of three-dimensional hyperbolic space. Hyperbolic space gets really big really fast, but not fast enough to fit six cubes around an edge without something very interesting happening at the vertices: 3. Book of the week: The Tigers Wife, by Ta Obreht The Tigers Wife is a subtle piece of literature. In some ways it is very small and personal: one young woman recollecting stories surrounding her grandfather, in the days following his death. It only very subtly connects to bigger themes and bigger events, in a way I very much appreciate. It is well-written with evocative imagery, and just the occasional hint of that sort of literary cruelty la Infinite Jest, if you know what I mean. 4. Pint of the week: Organic Sugar Plum Grape Tomatoes Tiny tomatoes are, in general, the best food. This is because, being tiny and numerous, a pint of them has more surface area than a pint of larger tomatoes. Sometimes cherry tomatoes are tiny enough. This time, grape tomatoes and the best tomatoes. Because of their size and elongated geometry, they are almost entirely made up of outside . Because they have so much outside to eat, and thats where pesticides tend to sit, the organic component is extra important when eating a pint of tiny grape tomatoes. 5. Paper of the week: Assessing student learning of Newton8217s laws: The Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation and the Evaluation of Active Learning Laboratory and Lecture Curricula, by Ronald K. Thornton and David R. Sokoloff This is related to my work on Real Virtual Physics. It describes the assessments they did with students using tracked physical objects to learn about speed, acceleration, and visualize them as graphs, etc. My favorite thing about this paper is that when discussing student answers it doesnt refer to answers as being right or wrong, but instead refers to answers as either aligning with Newtonian physics or not. It mentions some other conceptual frameworks students use to think about motion, and the idea that having a model of physics in your head, even if it8217s wrong, is it good sign of student ability to learn. It reminds me of some some of the stuff Papert talks about, that memorizing laws of motion is pointless if one doesn8217t know what kind of thing a law of motion is. Papert recommends students get experience with microworlds that have different kinds of laws of motion, before trying to learn what the laws of motion of the actual world are. Of course, Newtonian physics is not our most accurate way of modeling real motion, so I appreciate this papers emphasis on teaching students to think in a Newtonian way, rather than teaching them the right answers. My least favorite thing about this paper is that it is evaluating a curriculum and learning tools at the same time that it is evaluating the evaluation used to evaluate those tools. The results could mean nothing more than that teaching to the test yields higher test scores. They do address this issue by correlating responses to different question types, and it sounds convincing and everything, but it certainly leaves more work to be done. 6. News Introspection of the week: explosion in Chelsea Whenever a breaking news story is going viral on twitter, I take the opportunity to introspect by asking myself what I want to be true. This kind of awareness is important to limiting the effects of confirmation bias and becoming more able to understand the world as it is. It8217s easy, on twitter, to judge others and get outraged about what they want to be true, but thats less helpful. Some people want whatever truth supports their politics. Some people like big news because big news is exciting, and our human brains cant help wanting exciting things sometimes. Me, Ive learned I like tiny news. Maybe I have enough excitement in my life. I8217ve practiced news-introspecting enough to recognize, when I saw Chelsea trending, that I wanted the explosion to be minor and accidental, that I would be drawn to things that support that wish, and more skeptical of reports that it was an organized terrorist attack that caused serious harm (and more reactive against anyone speculating that might be the case). It8217s looking right now like the truth is somewhere between those things, an intentional act of terror that is not connected to outside groups, and that we are very lucky in how minor the damage was. And I8217m aware that now I am happy to stop following the story, while those who are hoping a connection to terrorist groups will be discovered are more likely to keep following, so if evidence in that direction is discovered (even if its not certain yet) their beliefs will be confirmed, and then they can stop following too, so we all get what we want. Hooray 7. Pumpkin Spice of the Week: Pumpkin Spice Documenting this thing because, well, because: I feel like everyone else is surrounded by pumpkin spice. Is it real Or a fantasy, the American dream I can8217t help but want it too. I just feel so cheated, like I was born into a world where everyone is surrounded by so much pumpkin spice but WHERE IS MY PUMPKIN SPICE AM I NOT DESERVING OF PUMPKIN SPICE EVERYTHING, LIKE EVERY OTHER AMERICAN The world is stacked against me I worry when half the country seems to have strong opinions on pumpkin spice, yet I can8217t even find any pumpkin spice in my neighborhood. CLEARLY PUMPKIN SPICE SIGNIFIES SOME DEEP RIFT IN OUR SOCIETY The last screenshot is from this site that analyzes headlines for clickbaitiness: coscheduleheadline-analyzer I did that bit because it is my headline art. Seriously though, pumpkin spice seems to be one of those cultural things that secretly broadcasts some secret group affiliation. Also I would actually like to have some, but it turns out that not all places are forcing pumpkin spice into everything. Instead I have no pumpkin spice but lots of over-analysis. Welcome to Vi Hart Weekly As youve probably noticed, a common thread between each Weekly is that each one has a theme, a common thread. This weeks theme is Common Threads. 1. Art of the Week: Where We Met I live in SF and travel a lot, so I regularly get to pass under Janet Echelmans Every Beating Second in the San Francinco airport. Last weekend I got to see one of her newest installations in Greensboro, NC, Where We Met, and its something else entirely. Outside, subject to the wind and weather and changes in light, it has a life and presence unlike any public art Ive ever seen. Day and night, the park is full of people lying in the grass underneath gazing upward. Perhaps because the sculpture is still relatively new, I overheard many conversations from people discussing the sculpture, an exercise in noticing, inventing and asking questions to each other. What does the shape have to do with the tension of the strings Is the color at night because of the color of the art piece or the color of the lighting What material is it made out of, how strong is it, how heavy do you think the entire sculpture is Does the shape mean anything or is it just random Its beautiful to overhear such focused noticing happening not in a gallery, but in a public park, by all sorts of groups of people. And quite wonderfully, answers to many of these questions can be found in the Greensboro History Museum right next to the sculpture, in an exhibit titled Weaving Wonder with Historical Threads8221. I was pleased to be able to touch some of the material the sculpture is made out of (hooray tactile learning), as well as learn the secret behind the sculptures design, and its connection to the textile industry. A related mini-exhibit, right inside the entrance to the museum, asks visitors to weave threads according to their own answers to a few questions (and the color thread depends on the visitors home location). I love the simplicity and tactility, and that the result is a sort of infographic data visualization thing. 2. Book of the Week: Dr. Montessoris Own Handbook Continuing the theme of education and active learning, and realizing that while I knew a lot about Montessori education but had never read anything written by Maria Montessori herself, I read 8220Dr. Montessoris Own Handbook. Its quite interesting to read the very precise curriculum descriptions and motivations for every detail of every activity and how it contributes in subtle ways to a childs future learning. While I was familiar with the overarching ideals and structure of Montessorian education, I hadnt realized how detailed, thorough, and intentional a curriculum existed, one which apparently most schools labeled Montessori follow only in part, if at all. Many of the educational materials and concepts she invented are familiar to me, but some seem to have been gotten left behind, including exercises involving feeling different materials, a childrens haptics library. Recall Margaret Minskys haptics library, which we discussed a couple weeks ago Now I want to play the Montessorian game where I gather a bunch of material samples in pairs, mix them up, and have to pair them back up blindfolded, by developing and using various sorting strategies, as well as developing my ability to focus attention and achieve completion of a task, as well as learning the delicate touch and physical delight in my environment and all those things she describes so eloquently in her curriculum. 3. Noticing Math in Things of the Week: Jump Roping I went to the National Folk Festival in Greensboro NC last weekend, and while I saw many excellent performances from all over the world (the festival is national but the folk is international), one particularly caught my mathematical interest. Id seen some competitive jump roping before, and its pretty impressive. But at the festival the Bouncing Bulldogs did some moves Id never seen, involving multiple people holding more than one jump rope, for example three girls with three jump ropes between them, weaving themselves over and under the shared jump ropes in a way that must require a great deal of experience and intuition with certain topological patterns. Here8217s the closest thing I could find on YouTube, by another group: Ive heard of jump ropes as an active educational tool for things like counting and number patterns (jumping rope while counting up by twos, down by odd numbers, or even just using the string of the jump rope to measure, braid, or perhaps weave), but theres some deeper mathematics going on in these multi-person jump-roping tricks that I believe have yet to be vigorously studied. I think theres a lot of fertile ground here, and the art of jump roping is ripe to be revolutionized by mathematics in the same way juggling was. Also, the world could always use more great mathematicians, so it would be good if we could figure out exactly how their intuition for these forms could transfer to existing mathematics. 4. Snake of the Week: This One Particular Rat Snake This is my new snake friend I didnt realize they made them so big in North Carolina. Not for jumping rope with. 5. Presidential Chocolate of the Week: Obama Kisses Before North Carolina, I went to Washington DC to meet with some folks from the Office of Science and Technology Policy about active learning in mathematics. Theres not much to say about the meeting itself, besides that they seemed to pick a good group of people to meet with them, and if that meeting is the start of a conversation rather than a full one, it wont have been a waste of time. Also it was nice to be recognized by the Chief Technology Officer of the United States, Megan Smith, who I think is pretty great. But the most tangible result of the meeting is that apparently when you have a fancy White House Meeting you get Obama Kisses. Every liberals dream. Ive got to stick with this education policy thing so that I can dream of Hillary Hugs someday. Each kiss is threaded with a paper ribbon that I was hoping would say something like 8220thanks for visiting, sure wanna hear more of your policy ideas later8221, but it8217s just the usual message of love: Ive got a lot of thoughts on the meeting, and education policy in general, that will take me some time to sort through and write up. 6. Never Forgetting of the Week: 911 The bulk of my family lives in North Carolina, and so while I was in the state, last night we had dinner together. Given the date, we got to remembering 911. Where we were when we heard, what our day was like, and of course, the family stories, which are not mine to tell. As I was telling my own recollections of the day, which I havent thought about in many years, I couldnt help but notice the difference in technology and communication between then and now. I was in school, and this was back when kids generally didnt have cell phones, much less smart phones, much less laptops. Most classrooms didnt have a computer, much less an internet-equipped computer. There was a loudspeaker announcement that told us about the plane crashing into the tower, and that announcement didnt tell us why or how big the plane was or how bad the crash was and we were left to speculate, with no other way of gathering information, while the teachers were hearing the same thing we were, expected to go about the day as usual. Oh, I should mention: this is in New York. I grew up in New York, and almost all my family lived there at the time. We have family and family friends who were in and around those towers. But by the sound of the initial announcement, it wasnt serious, it was probably a small plane that accidentally crashed because of an instrument failure or something. So if I were to tell you where I was when I heard the news, well, I heard the news for the first time slowly, in many places, across the day, with increasing horror. I heard the news without twitter (which didnt exist) or YouTube (which didnt exist), I heard it without an iphone (which didnt exist) or facebook (which didnt exist). I heard it in bits and rumors, it was forbidden knowledge, the teachers werent supposed to be telling us any news, and generally the administration was trying to get the school through the day. But our 2nd period teacher turned on the radio (a radio, an honest-to-goodness radio) and we sat listening quietly all period. I was listening when the first tower went down, and when the second tower went down, and those of us who cried did our best to cry quietly, and then the bell rang and we went to the next classroom and tried to pretend everything was ok so that our rule-breaking teacher wouldnt get in trouble for not keeping us in the dark. As the day went on, in rumors and speculations not unlike twitter today, we tried to sort out what was real. The pentagon was attacked Really Surely thats something a younger student made up It was a long school day. It ended. I went out to the pay phone and called home and finally learned that everyone was, whether by accident or skill, alive. And then at home we sat by the tv and watched the news, the same footage over and over and over and over I learned not to obsess like that over horrific news footage ever again. Today Im coming home from visiting my family. I wrote this Weekly on my flight back to the west coast, and well be descending back into SFO with its lovely Echelman sculpture soon, Every Beating Second. In the last airport, eating a sandwich before my connecting flight, I looked up and was shocked by the sight of the footage on the tv, the smoke billowing from the tower, the clear blue sky in the background. It hit me with a visceral force. I remember smelling that smoke for a long time after. Our perfect blue skies never quite returned. 7. Child On A Plane of the Week Despite that Im not that into children or planes, I actually quite like children on planes. Theyre a controlled and restrained breath of fresh air in a crowded box full of adults desperately pretending not to notice each other. The little girl in front of me is asking Would you rather be a solar system, a hedgehog, or Hermione It does sound very nice to be a solar system, but I think Id most like to be Hermione, who with all her power and intelligence dedicated her life to doing what is right rather than what is easy. Welcome back to Vi Hart weekly This week we8217ve got the robots of the week, embodiment, education and beer, turtles and snails. 1. Robots of the week During a group discussion of collective intelligence, one of my colleagues brought up the work of Radhika Nagpal, which brought us to watching YouTube videos of the termite-like Termes robots she developed at the Self-Organizing Systems Research Lab at Harvard. One thing led to another, and we started to act out robot algorithms on the floor. We were all aware of previous work using embodied acting-out-of-algorithms to help teach and understand them (examples include Andrea Hawksley8217s Binary Dance workshop, folk-dance sorting algorithms. and even some of my own work with Mike Naylor on Human Geometry ). But rather than follow up on any of that, we quickly filmed what we were doing and went home, and then I proceeded to edit together a ridiculous video to convey my full joy at the endeavor in which we had decided to partake. 2. People noticing patterns of the week After seeing 8220Radhika8217s Robots8221, artist and collaborator Evelyn Eastmond sent me a message noting the connection to her latest video (above), which in fact I had seen just a couple days before. I8217m glad Evelyn noticed this connection in form, because I completely missed it We followed the form of the termite robots to amuse ourselves, while forgetting that this form also displays the weight and burden which the robots carry for the collective good. A commenter on 8220Radhika8217s Robots8221 noticed another connection: In fact, a few other commenters referenced snails, saying, 8220Snail snail snail8221 and 8220Snail snail snail snail8221 and such. It8217s a thing. The paper of the week is 8220Teaching Children to be Mathematicians vs. Teaching About Mathematics 8220, by Seymour Papert. No, wait, I changed my mind. The book of the week is going to be by Papert, so let8217s have the paper of the week be 8220Children Learning by Doing 8220, by Alan Kay. It8217s labeled 8220rough draft8221, but it collects a lot of previous material he8217s written about Squeak Etoys and learning into one place. I8217ve talked a lot with Alan about this particular work, and a couple months ago I started to make a prototype bringing some of these ideas to virtual reality. This week I started to do some more serious work on this prototype, so I wanted to dig deeper into a lot of the stuff we talked about, and get more context for the conversations we8217ve had about learning and math education in general. Alan has a lots of faith in children8217s ability to understand deeply complex ideas, if they have the right support. I haven8217t done much educational material on purpose, but as long as the things I make tend to often fall into that category by accident, it8217s good to get a deeper background into what8217s already been done. The book of the week is Mindstorms by Seymour Papert. This is a classic on computers in education (really THE book), yet somehow I hadn8217t read it until now. After reading some of Papert8217s other papers this week though, and realizing just how good he is, I couldn8217t resist Above is a picture from the cover of one of the editions, showing the 8220Turtle8221 robot that can be programmed by simple instructions in LOGO, the language Papert developed with children in mind. Mindstorms is great. I love the emphasis on the culture and context of education that allows children to be immersed in mathematics, the same way languages are best learned when immersed. I love that he highlights debugging as being a powerful intellectual tool for emphasizing process and progress over right or wrong results. I love that he talks about how a large part of what mathematicians do happens before equations get written down, that mathematical thinking is not just about logical processes but includes this other thing that lets us know when and where to apply those logical processes, the creativity and intuition that point our logic in the right direction. And of course there is the common thread with my current research group about tools-to-think-with, and when applied to education this means putting children in the context where mathematical tools are the tools they need to think with to reach their goal. Learning mathematical tools is a means, not an end. There8217s a lot I can say about this book, and it8217s easy for me to see many ways in which it has influenced the thinking of people I know and of the education system at large. I recommend it. 5. What8217s up at eleVR The prototype of Real Virtual Physics is at a place where I8217ve started sharing and writing about it. And being kept up at night by new ideas for toys to add to it. There8217s something profound about having real-time feedback based on your body8217s motion that can give you a feel for how things behave. That8217s part of how I8217ve always thought about mathematics: the art of understanding how abstract objects behave. In Mindstorms, Papert likens understanding mathematics to understanding a crowded room of strangers. It might take a while to get to know them, and introductions help, but in the end it8217s all about your own personal connection with those people and understanding how they behave, how they react, what they do and why. It8217s a good metaphor. When giving mathematical objects abstract inputs that must be computed by hand or one by one through a computer, it8217s difficult to get information on how things behave. But real-time feedback based on your own body8217s movements makes it so easy to explore, if only we had the tools to do so. So I guess I8217ll keep working on making those. No Hero, by Evil Twin Brewing. It8217s a simple dark and lovely oatmeal stout in a world of overly-ambitious too-many-flavours stouts, and it comes in a can. It8217s got a bitter finish without the bother of being all hoppy, chocolatey, or coffeey. No Hero works behind the scenes to save the day. Welcome back to Vi Hart weekly, where I try to braindump my brainthoughts for the week. This week we8217ve got noticing patterns, soviet sci fi, beer, games, AR, haptics, and more 1. New Brain Toy of the Week Inspired by Sol LeWitt8217s PhotoGrids, a book in which he takes pictures of grids all over the world (echoing his other art), I8217ve started taking pictures of patterns and mathy things and grids and things, and also collecting other examples of people becoming close to a pattern and then collecting it as they notice it in the world (Pareidolia, The Witness, etc). I8217m a meta-collector of pattern collections, because once I became sensitized to their existence, I8217ve started seeing pattern collections everywhere. 2. The state of the Vi Hart Things are coming together at my new job at HARC. It is awesome to be able to actually get up in the morning thinking about my actual work, and getting straight to that actual work, and having my actual work be the thing I think about when I8217m trying to sleep at night, rather than a pile of other bullshit. I realized yesterday that for the first time in years, I don8217t feel burnt out. It is a really good feeling. I8217ll post more about my new research group another time 3. What8217s up at eleVR This week, Andrea posted about a project she did last year, laser cutting some parts to convert a Wearality headset setup into an AR device. I had some footage from October 2015 of when she first hacked it together, and edited that along with some new footage of the thing adding some AR sculptures to a physical exhibit (above). I8217ve also been working on our virtual Sol LeWitt forgery, and posted almost a week ago on techniques for collision in VR . 4. Sci Fi Book of the Week: Roadside Picnic Roadside Picnic, by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, is a 1971 Soviet 8220rediscovered classic8221. As a big fan of scifi, classics, and Russian lit, this was an obvious 8220yes8221 for me, and I got pretty much what I expected: an enjoyable quick read with a couple compelling takeaways. It strikes me as a spiritual predecessor to one of my favourite recent scifi series, Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer (2014) and its sequels. If you8217re into scifi about mysterious creepy Zones, with a little bit of social criticism and the occasional very unsympathetic main character, these books. Suggested by Evelyn Eastmond, related to my work generating Sol LeWitt wall drawings in VR. A good overview of how complexity theory is applicable to generative art, and I have a feeling it8217s going to come in handy as a reference in the future. 6. Beer of the Week: Groovalistic by Shady Oak It8217s got that fun funky flavor that would taste unwise in anything but a fermented beverage. It8217s heavily hopped in a way that makes it taste more like beer rather than more like hops, rare in a West Coast beer these days. Brett and hops are combined perfectly to create something that tastes like one consistent funk, rather than a pile of hops and a pile of yeast thrown haphazardly together. Strong flavor but not a novelty. 7. Game of the Week: Kingdom: New Lands I8217ve been playing a little more of this than is probably wise. I just love this side-scrolling strategic tower defense, with its pixel arts, atmospheric music, and the sense of desperation and regret as simple mistakes cause slow inevitable permadeath. I love my terrible constantly-out-of-breath horse, and bear, and unicorn that shits gold. I love trying to optimize and correct for shortages, without over-correcting or causing oscillations in the system. A 1995 haptics classic, back when computers could do anything. A good read, with lots of still-relevant ideas, plus other interesting bits such as that Ping Pong balls are useful as an object with the most 8220haptic neutrality8221 (and that they are in fact made with cellulose, not plastic). I was moved to read it after talking with Emily Eifler about the idea of imaginary materials, things that could be simulated once we have good haptics technology that use combinations of sensations that would not exist in real materials. I thought: 8220probably Margaret already wrote about this 20 years ago8221. Indeed, she talks about simulating materials with negative frictionviscosity, which apparently got interpreted as being slippery, with more research needed (see section 1.6). In the same section, she calls for a 8220World Haptics Library,8221 saying: During the course of my thesis research I touched many materials with a heightened introspective stance. When I found the limitations of simulation confounding, I went to my own fabric closet to feel cloth, to my garage to feel sandpaper, outdoors to feel stones and shells. I was creating and returning to my own library of materials for inspiration, to re-familiarize myself with the wide range of sensation and the evocative associations available from simple classes of materials. Another example for my collection of people collecting things they have become sensitized to noticing I made this video. BAIK. Begitu. Theres some tension goin on in the United States, and most media outlets and politicians are so out of their depth that they8217re trying to deal with it by repeating the same old 8220we need to be united, violence is not the answer.8221 Which is all very well and good, but being united is an ideal, not a plan. And without a plan, all it translates to is 8220be united by joining me in doing nothing Dont speak out or protest because thats divisive from my non-plan8221 Meanwhile leaders within the Black Lives Matter movement have concrete plans, plans for increasing police training for deescalation, plans for ways bad apple police officers could be held accountable so we don8217t keep seeing non-indictments, plans for changing the incentives and structures around fine collection so that targeting the most vulnerable people is no longer the most profitable thing for police to do, there8217s so many good changes that should be made and it8217s frustrating to see the media spin it into 8220what is the exact problem to point at is it that police are racist or is it that there aren8217t enough body cameras or maybe the problem is purely socio-economic.8221 And the media spins it as exclusive ors, as if complex problems don8217t come from complex combinations of causes and feedback loops in complex s ystems. I know a whole lot of you are still catching up on events, and black organizers of social change don8217t have time to give 101 courses to every internet person who is of the opinion that 8220if you just do what police say you8217ll be fine8221 and 8220All Lives Matter. Listening to black people is important, and white people have got to talk to other white people to try and get up to speed and learn how to listen. Hence this video. Black Lives Matter was founded in July 2013 by three black women, Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi, in response to George Zimmerman being acquitted after killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. If Zimmerman had faced consequences for his actions, maybe it could have been spun as a tragic event involving a lone overzealous racial profiling neighborhood watchman, but the system supported Zimmerman, he was acquitted, thus people feeling the need for a movement specifically focused on the problems that make our justice system treat black lives as mattering less than white ones. And there8217s many such problems, but we8217re gonna skip to July 2014 when Eric Garner was killed by police and it was captured on video and the world said I can8217t breathe. His death alone was cause for protest but the media reaction and statements made by politicians made it clear that black lives were being treated as mattering less, like the absurd focus on how he was selling loose cigarettes, or how he had asthma which made him easier to kill anyway, it was really messed up. His death was ruled a homicide but there were no indictments. August 5 2014 John Crawford III shot in a walmart while carrying a toy gun that walmart sells, in Ohio, which may I remind you is an open carry state. Someone called 911 reporting that John Crawford was pointing a gun at children, and theres a chilling video where he8217s standing there chatting on the phone with the toy gun point down, no one else in sight, certainly no children, when suddenly the police rush in and start shooting immediately. Once again, no indictments. August 9 2014 Michael Brown was shot by Ferguson police. That he was shot, again itself was cause for protest, but the media reaction and police response and outpouring of support for Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot Michael Brown, was all really worrying to a lot of people. And when Wilson was not indicted, that once again sent the message that this was not just a mistake made by bad police, but something allowed by our justice system and supported by a lot of American citizens. November 2014 Tamir Rice, a 12-year old kid, killed by police. Again there8217s a messed up video where he8217s playing by himself in a park with a toy gun, also in Ohio, and the cop car speeds up to him and an officer shoots him within two seconds of stopping. Once again, no indictment, and somehow some media outlets saw fit to start reporting on the criminal records of this 12-year-old victim8217s parents. April 2015, Freddie Gray disappears into a police vehicle and comes out with injuries so severe he goes into a coma and dies a week later. Again, there are protests. Freddie Gray8217s death was ruled a homicide, and it turned out there was no cause to arrest him in the first place. There8217s still some ongoing trials but the only completed trial had the result everyone was dreading, Edward Nero was found not guilty on all charges. July 2015 Sandra Bland, a vocal supporter of Black Lives Matter, gets pulled over for failing to signal a lane change, and there8217s a video where the officer absurdly escalates it into an arrest. The officer involved ended up getting indicted for perjury, but no indictments have been made in connection with how Sandra Bland was found dead in her cell 3 days later. It appeared to be a suicide but an investigation revealed some weird inconsistencies and the results have not come out yet, its ongoing. So many other people I could name, but I8217m gonna skip to this past week. July 5th, 2016, Alton Sterling, having just been tased, is held down, face down lying on the ground by two officers, and is shot multiple times, and it8217s all on video from multiple angles because he was shot to death in front of his friends. It8217s so clear, so unspeakably sickening, and yet the media starts to talk about well he shouldn8217t have been selling CDs anyway and lets hear both sides of the story, maybe its ok to shoot someone who you think has a gun in their pocket, maybe its ok even if youre already holding them down after tasing them, isnt that such nice balanced news coverage. The very next day, July 6th, Philando Castile gets pulled over for a broken tail light, his girlfriend Diamond Reynolds is next to him, kid in the back. They comply with everything the officer asks and they inform the officer that he has a concealed carry permit and is carrying a legal firearm, and the cop shoots him multiple times. She starts streaming video and the contrast between her trying her best to calmly comply even as the cop is screaming and pointing a gun at her and her dying boyfriend8230 realize how absurdly inappropriate it is that some media outlets followed this up with an accounting of how many tickets he has gotten, because that8217s the worst dirt they could find to excuse his death. Do not let anyone make excuses for this man8217s death. Do not let them excuse it with tickets. All those events and more led to protests around the world, and some people exploited some of those protests as a chance to loot and cause damage. On July 7th 2016, someone exploited a protest to set up an ambush against police. A lot of media outlets and politicians are trying to spin a dangerously irresponsible narrative where it8217s a war between Black Lives Matter and Cops rather than that the sniper was a messed-up loner with a grudge, who was himself military, who said he had no connection with Black Lives Matter, who simply took advantage of knowing thered be heavy police presence at a protest. Pretending otherwise is just an excuse to discredit Black Lives Matter and ignore their very reasonable requests. The officers who were killed are being treated with dignity and respect as they should be. No one reported about those officers8217 past infractions or how many complaints had been made against them or their family members8217 criminal records. No politicians spoke out in support of the killer, the NRA didnt put out a statement supporting his second amendment rights, and televised news didn8217t replay the footage of their deaths over and over and over speculating that maybe they would have lived if theyd just taken cover here or had worn different equipment, no one speculated whether a medical condition may have contributed to any of the officers deaths. Theres no campaign raising hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of the man who shot those officers, hes not on national news telling his side of the story in some twisted mockery of fair and balanced reporting, the man who committed these killings was blown up by a robot. Lets not forget the thing that makes a black person expressing anger about white people on the street or in a tweet a very different thing from a mainstream politician backed by voters demeaning black people on national TV. Lets not forget the imbalance of power that makes racism 8220racism8221, rather than just prejudice, and the imbalance of power that makes racial profiling from police doubly harmful. Police are backed by institutional power and many do use this power wisely to protect the safety of American citizens, but when someone backed with that kind of power does wrong, again and again we see them not facing consequences. We cant force a jury to indict someone, but we can protest, so we protest. I hear people talk about how white people and people of color besides black people also get unfairly killed by police, or that there8217s other crime too, and the system is unfair to other people too, and thats all the more reason that were all in this together. Some people have more at stake, but this is all our problem. Ive put this all very mildly. My heart goes out to those who dont put it mildly, to those who are angry and afraid, who raise their voices and dont have energy left over at the end of the day to be extra nice to those who still dont get it. I know theres a lot of white people out there who are afraid or unsure of whether or how to engage with any of this because theyre afraid of doing it wrong or being called racist when theyre just trying to help, and, I sympathize, but youll live. So go listen and learn and good luck everybody. I made a video It8217s called On Knives and Files, though it8217s also about other human tools. And what follows is an account of how I came up with it, and some thoughts on a certain sort of response I8217ve gotten to it. Part of my job is to research and understand the tools humans use. Sometimes this means tools invented relatively recently in human history, like mathematics. Or tools that have barely been invented, like computers and virtual reality. To better understand these modern tools, I8217ve been trying to think more about older tools, like knives, and language, and rules. So with all that on my mind, I8217ve been starting to see more connections between the tools I use in my daily life, or see other people use. Who I then subject to my musings. I clearly remember being perched on the stone wall at my grandmother8217s farm, drinking in sunlight and learning the rules of pocket knife use. The inspiration for this topic struck while perched on the kitchen counter drinking a glass of mead and watching someone pare the skin off a ginger root, which suddenly connected with a conversation we8217d had a few days earlier about proper file use, which connected with the many conversations on human tools I8217ve had recently with Alan Kay. A kitchen-counter ramble to my captive cooking audience turned into a long email drafted to Alan, which I put so much work into that I decided I might as well polish it up and film it. And the more I wrote the more my brain connected it to other things that are often on my mind, so that8217s how that happened. Interestingly, despite how explicitly I stated the opinion that it8217s important that we should be allowed to cut towards ourselves when we think it8217s worth it (though hopefully after understanding the risk, and learning from our mistakes), more than a few commenters decided to interpret this video as an anti-free-speech fascist nanny state thing. Part of the point of the video is how easily we push our values to extremes, and I can8217t say I8217m very surprised to see such commenters asserting their values, but what8217s interesting is that the extreme they8217ve decided to sort me into is the one opposite themselves. They could have decided to interpret my video as backing up their beliefs through agreement, but chose conflict. I wonder what made those commenters think we have opposite views surely it couldn8217t just be that I suggest people consider the consequences of their words and actions. My working theory is that other markers have placed me on the opposite side of a cultural divide that they feel exists, and they are in the habit of demonizing the people they8217ve put on this side of their imaginary divide with whatever moral outrage sounds irreproachable to them. It8217s a rather common tool in the rhetorical toolset, because it8217s easy to make the perceived good outweigh the perceived harm if you add fear to the equation. Many groups have grown their numbers through this feedback loop: have a charismatic leader convince people there8217s a big risk that group x will do y, therefore it seems worth the cost of being divisive with those who think that risk is not worth acting on, and that divisiveness cuts out those who think that risk is lower, which then increases the perceived risk, which lowers the cost of being increasingly divisive, and so on. The above feedback loop works great when the divide cuts off a trust of the institutions of science, or glorifies a distrust of data. It breaks the feedback loop if you act on science8217s best knowledge of the risk, which trends towards staying constant, rather than perceived risk, which can easily grow exponentially, especially when someone is stoking your fear and distrust. If a group believes that there8217s too much risk in trusting outsiders about where the real risk and harm are, then, well, of course I8217ll get distrustful people afraid that my mathematical views on riskbenefit are in danger of creating a fascist state. The riskbenefit calculation demands it be so. Post navigationTraditional wood siding for your home will always be the preferred choice in any siding installation. Namun, Anda memerlukan kontraktor berpihak tepat untuk membantu Anda memilih tampilan kayu terbaik dengan perawatan berpihak paling sedikit. Ada banyak jenis papan kayu yang dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan kayu sub-par. Jangan biarkan nexthellip Anda Baca lebih lanjut Layanan atap profesional dan perbaikan atap dengan harga terjangkau Jika Anda mengalami masalah kebocoran di atap, jangan menunggu untuk menghubungi kontraktor atap. Kebocoran atap yang berkepanjangan nampaknya tidak berbahaya pada awalnya, namun bisa berubah menjadi masalah serius dengan cepat. Setelah kebocoran atap yang terus-menerus dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan jamur, langit-langit yang rusak, perabotan. Hubungi kami hari ini jika Anda membutuhkan lonceng Read More Saat mencoba mengurangi tagihan pemanas rumah Anda, tidak ada cara yang lebih baik untuk menghemat uang daripada memasang jendela vinyl atau penggantian kayu baru. Yang terpenting, dengan potongan pajak federal baru sampai 1.500 tidak ada alasan untuk tidak melakukannya. Memiliki dek yang indah akan selalu memiliki hasil positif pada nilai properti Anda. Menambahkan dek adalah cara murah untuk memperluas ruang hidup Anda. Biaya rata-rata untuk membangun sebuah dek kira-kira 7.000 dan menghasilkan pengembalian sekitar 15.000 saat menjual rumah Anda tidak terlalu buruk. Jadi pertimbangkan untuk memiliki yang lebih baik. Baca lebih lanjut Memilih kontraktor berpihak benar sangat penting dalam pemasangan papan. Entah itu memasang vinyl berpihak pada berpihak atau benar-benar menyingkirkan berpihak Anda saat ini untuk berpihak baru. Memiliki kontraktor berpihak profesional yang bisa memberi Anda solusi terbaik untuk pemasangan papan paling halus akan menghemat banyak sakit kepala, waktu dan tenaga kerja. Baca Karya Yang Lebih Baik Mike dan awak pekerja memasang papan vinyl dan jendela baru untuk kita. Mereka ada di sini dari awal sampai akhir seperti yang dijanjikan dan membimbing saya melalui pertanyaan yang saya miliki tanpa ragu-ragu. Mereka melakukan pekerjaan yang sangat baik dan saya akan merujuk mereka kepada siapapun. Terima kasih Mike, semoga sukses mdash Scott, Wakefield, MA MBM Construction diberi nilai 5 5 berdasarkan 3 ulasan. Menemukan Kontraktor Tepat Seharusnya Menyakitkan Melakukan perbaikan rumah yang tepat atau proyek renovasi dapat menambahkan nilai sebenarnya ke jenis rumah apa pun, jika dilakukan dengan benar dan efisien oleh profesional yang diberi lisensi dan Tertanggung. Menggunakan bahan berkualitas tinggi yang hemat energi, menarik dan yang terpenting, bisa diandalkan seperti low vinyl vinyl berpihak. Penggantian jendela Atap sirap dan geladak khusus akan menambah nilai nyata. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, Anda dapat mengharapkan dan segera mengembalikan investasi Anda setelah perbaikan rumah dilakukan. Pilih kontraktor yang akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan, memandu Anda melewati setiap langkah proyek dari awal sampai akhir tanpa tambahan tersembunyi. Layanan perbaikan rumah kami telah memberi kami keunggulan di atas perusahaan remodeling rumah lainnya. Menjadi salah satu daerah penyedia layanan papan atas di sisi, atap, jendela pengganti, dan penambahan ruangan. Memberi kita daya beli yang besar melalui pemasok kita dan sebagai gantinya, bisa meneruskan simpanannya kepada Anda. Jadi mengapa memilih kita sebagai kontraktor renovasi rumah Anda Kami mendengarkan kebutuhan Anda. Kami tidak menggunakan penjualan dengan tekanan tinggi, atau mencoba menjual sesuatu yang tidak Anda inginkan atau inginkan. Komunikasi adalah kunci untuk semua jenis proyek remodeling dan kami ingin proyek Anda mendapatkan hasil terbaik. Anda akan mendapatkan perkiraan perkiraan waktu penyelesaian - tanpa sakit kepala Anda juga akan mendapatkan salah satu jaminan terbaik dalam bisnis perbaikan rumah, jika Anda perlu menggunakannya. Apa Jenis Layanan Perbaikan Rumah yang Anda Cari Memilih kontraktor atap yang akan bekerja untuk kepentingan terbaik Anda dan bukan pada berapa banyak keuntungan yang dapat dia hasilkan dengan memotong sudut. Sebagai kontraktor atap, kami percaya dengan menggunakan atap dan atap bawah atap terbaik untuk memberi ketenangan pada klien kami. Untuk info lebih lanjut tentang layanan atap, kunjungi: atap datar komersial atau atap rumah Tidak semua vinil dan papan kayu sama. Pilihlah kontraktor berpihak profesional yang akan membantu Anda memahami jenis pemutaran vinyl apa yang harus dihindari, dan apa yang akan memberi Anda kemenangan terbaik untuk uang Anda dalam jangka panjang. Dari dek bertekanan standar, dek mahoni, atau dek komposit - membuat Anda tertutup. Baca lebih lanjut tentang pembangun Deck dan Porches Deck
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